Museum Area

Percentage of Mission Completion

Turkish and World
Space History

The museum area, which is the first step of the beginning of the journey where they will experience an adventure by going to the Moon in a future period of time In the museum area there is Space and Aviation related equipment’s.

  • Rocket Models
  • Astronaut Outfits
  • Model of Turksat 5A Satellite
  • Timeline of Turkey’s Aviation History
  • On the digital screen at the entrance, an astronaut in the spacecraft on the Moon explains the purpose and content of the journey.

The operator informs the guests about the information screens on the right and left along the route.
We get on the Rocket Simulator accompanied by the operator and fasten our belts and our exciting space journey begins.

The Rocket outfits you see on your right are made from scaled parts of real rockets that have been used before. Rockets have been scaled by 1/10 to 1/20 compared to the real size.

Human-carrying, disposable model Saturn V Rocket used in the 1960s
  • USA-made, human-carrying, disposable rocket
  • Was used in Apollo and Skylab programs between 1967 and 1973
  • Only launch vehicle have carried humans beyond low-earth orbit
  • It took 24 Astronauts to the Moon
Soviet-made Vostok Rocket
  • Designed for the manned spaceflight program
  • Launched the first artificial satellite ( Sputnik-1) and first crewed spacecraft (Vostok)
  • Exploded in 1980 during a refuelling operation
Falcon Heavy Rocket, the most powerful operational rocket today
  • Approximately, 64 metric tons
  • Approximately, 92 meters in height
  • Produce more than 5 million pounds of thrust, equal to 18 Boeing-747 aircraft

The astronaut outfits you see on your left are replicas of the original ones.

NASA Astronaut Suit (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
  • Self-contained spacesuit in human form that provides environmental protection
  • Mobility and life support
  • Communication of astronauts in orbit and support in extra vehicle technical operations
TUA Astronaut Suit (Turkish Space Agency)
  • Space suit which designed and announced by TUA in 2022
  • Helmet, control module, lower body, Hard upper body and portable life support unit
ACES Space Suit (The Advanced Crew Escape Suit)
  • Used by space shuttle crews for the ascend and entry portions of high-altitude flight
  • It is a full-pressure spacesuit
The model you see on the top right of the astronaut's clothes is the TÜRKSAT 5A satellite.

  • Sent on January 8, 2021 by Space X's Falcon 9 rocket
  • Communication satellite (Turkey, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Mediterranean Aegean Sea)
  • Provides TV broadcasting and data communication services with a capacity of 1728 MHz
You can see Turkey's Space History Timeline on the right.

  • While the ones made from 1933 to 2018 include the actual process the period between 2038-2081 includes our adventure, which is called as MISSION MOON

Other Experience Areas

Ascend Into Space

ISS Station

Spaceship: Going to the Moon

Moon Base Laboratory
